Federal Court Strikes Down Lax GMO Rules, Halts GE Crop Introductions Without USDA Oversight
Federal Court Strikes Down Lax GMO Rules, Halts GE Crop Introductions Without USDA Oversight  Indybay
Farmers turning to technology in grain bins
Technology is keeping stored grain and farmers safe.          Joel Morgan, owner of northern Illinois-based Morgan Millwright Services, says maintaining stored grain through the winter is one of the most dangerous jobs on the farm. “Traditionally you would need to go in the bin to check it regularly to make sure it’s in condition, which is…
Polish minister: Warsaw committed to preventing farmers from blocking Ukraine border
Polish minister: Warsaw committed to preventing farmers from blocking Ukraine border  Ukrinform
Arctic Cold Leaving This Weekend, Will It Return Soon?
Arctic Cold Leaving This Weekend, Will It Return Soon?  DTN The Progressive Farmer
Economists Forecast a Drop in Land Prices
Lower returns to rented land and higher interest rates began signaling the potential for falling farmland prices in 2023. Farmdoc from the University of Illinois says those signals are continuing, with the current fundamentals suggesting land value reductions of approximately three percent in 2025. A three percent drop would be in line with observed adjustments…
Protecting pork profitability
Pork producers are seeing some profitability in 2024, and a risk management firm says producers should protect their profitability. Dustin Baker is with Commodity and Ingredient Hedging. “We’ve learned over time that producers need to be looking at their operation holistically and understanding you know their overall margin position and give themselves a long enough…
Crop insurance keeps evolving, so farmers should talk to their agents now
Crop insurance has changed over the years, with improved options and coverage for more specialty crops that used to be difficult to insure. Francie Tolle with USDA’s Risk Management Agency tells Brownfield there are many options to discuss with crop insurance agents, since every farm is different and so are the coverage plans. The post…
Why gold will likely beat stocks over the near term
Why gold will likely beat stocks over the near term  MSN