AgQuip display turns vintage
AgQuip display turns vintage  Trade Farm Machinery
Senators stress need for ag market relief
Senators stress need for ag market relief
Soybean Futures Fall as Drag From Brazilian Weather Extends
Soybean Futures Fall as Drag From Brazilian Weather Extends — Daily Grain Highlights  Marketscreener.com
Ground beef sent to restaurants nationwide recalled due to E. coli contamination
Ground beef sent to restaurants nationwide recalled due to E. coli contamination  Local 5 – weareiowa.com
Senate Ag Committee Members: 1 in 5 Farmers at Risk Financially
Senate Ag Committee Members: 1 in 5 Farmers at Risk Financially  Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
Slithering surprise caught in shipment of Christmas trees
Slithering surprise caught in shipment of Christmas trees  WRDW
Soybeans, corn, wheat drift downward
Soybeans, corn, wheat drift downward  brownfieldagnews.com
Much still to learn about soybean cyst nematode
There is still much to learn about the number one yield-robbing pest in soybeans. Iowa State University entomologist Greg Tylka has studied soybean cyst nematodes for decades and says he’s fascinated by the biology. “There will be decades more to learn about soybean cyst nematode, but in the short-term we need farmers to take advantage…
Drought causes challenges for Kansas ethanol plant
The CEO of an ethanol plant in northwest Kansas says 2024 has been a challenging year. Derek Peine is with Western Plains Energy in Oakley. “For us in particular, we suffered another year of drought. So that’s pushed our grain prices up, squeezed our margins. So it’s been kind of a difficult two, three years…