Domesticating Horses: A Huge Impact on Human Society
BOULDER, Colo. (THE CONVERSATION) — Across human history, no single animal has had a deeper impact on human societies than the horse. But when and how people domesticated horses has been an ongoing scientific mystery. Half a million years ago or more, early human ancestors hunted horses with wooden spears, the very first weapons, and used their…
Koch completes controversial $3.6B fertilizer plant acquisition
The sale was widely panned by lawmakers and agricultural groups, who said it further consolidates the market at the expense of taxpayers.
Waiting until after harvest lows to sell old crop
A farmer in eastern South Dakota says some farmers are waiting until harvest lows have passed in the grain markets this fall to sell old crop corn and soybeans. But Dave Ellens tells Brownfield the pre-harvest grain dump is likely coming soon. “I wouldn’t be surprised to see the ethanol plants to start see more…
USDA to measure bee colony loss
USDA to measure bee colony loss  WGRZ.com
August rains helped MO soybean crop
A central-Missouri farmer says the August weather was good for the soybean crop. Nathan Alpers tells Brownfield rains were timely. “You want a state fair rain out and we got a rain then. Another inch of rain would be great to finish up some of the later soybeans. All of the beans are made, but…
Nebraska governor says no to lab-grown meat
Nebraska governor says no to lab-grown meat  Successful Farming
ASTA Promotes Safe Handling and Storage of Treated Seed During Harvest
Alexandria, VA—September 3, 2024— As harvest begins across the country, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) reminds farmers about the importance of taking precautions to ensure treated seed does not enter the grain supply. Seed treatments provide farmers with an economical means of protecting seeds and seedlings against early-season insect pests and diseases—resulting in stronger and…
Weekly Grain Movement – Moving in the right direction
Weekly Grain Movement – Moving in the right direction  Farm Progress
Corn producers need to manage expectations when they sell in the fall
Big Crop, Small Prices: Corn producers need to manage their expectations when they sell in the fall  RFD-TV
Bonding over hot peppers and memories of past harvests and struggles
Bonding over hot peppers and memories of past harvests and struggles  Agweek
Demand for large US soybean crop uncertain
Demand for large US soybean crop uncertain  World Grain
EU officials pledge to develop more water-saving technologies in farming as droughts worsen
EU officials pledge to develop more water-saving technologies in farming as droughts worsen  The Washington Post
Road safety tips for motorists and farm equipment drivers
Road safety tips for motorists and farm equipment drivers  Farm Progress
Grain Markets Mixed to Start a New Month
Grain Markets Mixed to Start a New Month  Barchart
Bill Gates plays God in Africa’s agriculture and gets it wrong
Bill Gates plays God in Africa’s agriculture and gets it wrong  Mail and Guardian