Washington State Declares September ‘Eat Local Month’
OLYMPIA Wash. — Eat Local First and Sustainable Connections are excited to announce that Washington State has declared September 2024 ‘Eat Local Month’. This declaration affirms and honors the diverse and vibrant community of farmers, fishermen, and food artisans who provide fresh, healthy, and sustainably produced food for us all to enjoy. Eat Local Month…
Fall Bird Migration is Time to Reimplement Biosecurity Protocols for Poultry
Fall Bird Migration is Time to Reimplement Biosecurity Protocols  Farms.com
Why Do Farms Need Deer Damage Permits?
APPLETON, N.Y. — Why do farmers need Deer Damage, commonly known as nuisance, permits? Do deer do that much damage? The short answer: Yes! Let’s start with fruit farming. Today’s fruit trees are dwarf trees. Many of them are trellised because the trees are not strong enough to hold themselves and the fruit upright. When…
Who Is Directing The War On Agriculture And Nutrition?
Who Is Directing The War On Agriculture And Nutrition?  Todayville.com
What’s to Blame for the High Price of Eggs?
What’s to Blame for the High Price of Eggs?  953mnc.com
Rep. Feenstra asks Vilsack to help protect flocks from bird flu
Protecting our producers and their flocks from bird flu  Marshalltown Times Republican
Favorable weather leading to record corn production
Favorable weather leading to record corn production  Ag Proud
Soybeans drop 1%, corn hits one-week low on forecast of bumper US crops
Soybeans drop 1%, corn hits one-week low on forecast of bumper US crops  Business Recorder
Grain prices for animal feed under pressure in Australia
Grain prices for animal feed under pressure in Australia  All About Feed