Grain and Livestock Markets Finally Rally!
Grain and Livestock Markets Finally Rally!  Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
Dave Chatterton Explains What Drove the Rally in Grain Markets
AgDay Markets Now: Dave Chatterton Explains What Drove the Rally in Grain Markets  Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
A slow week for grain but oilseeds slide
A slow week for grain but oilseeds slide  Agronomist & Arable Farmer
As 2024 continues to mirror 2014 in crop prices, take steps to protect your position
As 2024 continues to mirror 2014 in crop prices, take steps to protect your position  Agweek
U.S. livestock: Lean hogs, feeder cattle turn higher on bargain buying
U.S. livestock: Lean hogs, feeder cattle turn higher on bargain buying  Canadian Cattlemen
Bargain buyers lift grain prices
Bargain buyers lift grain prices  Feedstuffs
Cattle futures mostly higher Thursday
Chicago Mercantile Exchange live cattle futures were steady to higher and feeders were up, watching the direct markets. Contracts were able to shrug off the session’s cash and wholesale bearishness, along with last week’s marketing year low for beef export sales. August live cattle held at $182.25 and October was up $.30 at $183.50. August…
Milk Prices Have Been Better Than Expected: Will It Last?
Milk Prices Have Been Better Than Expected: Will It Last?  Dairy Herd Management
Beef, soybean meal export sales at marketing year lows
Export sales for a pair of key commodities hit marketing year lows during the week ending July 4th. The USDA says beef exports were down sharply on the week as several leading buyers did make purchases, but also made small reductions in those purchases. Soybean meal’s marketing year low followed a handful of outright cancelations.…
Grain futures higher ahead of WASDE tomorrow
Grain futures higher ahead of WASDE tomorrow | Thursday, July 11, 2024Â Â Successful Farming
More corn in the ground is not helping already deflated crop prices
More corn in the ground is not helping already deflated crop prices  Agweek
Grain Mill Grinder Industry Set for 4.6% Annual Growth, Valued at USD 1,547.8 Million by 2033
Grain Mill Grinder Industry Set for 4.6% Annual Growth, Valued at USD 1,547.8 Million by 2033Â Â Market Research Blog
Wheat, corn edge higher off of sharp declines
Wheat, corn edge higher off of sharp declines  Food Business News
Ag Trade Deficit Jumps in Fiscal Year Through May
The agricultural trade deficit, or the value of exports from the U.S. versus imports into the country, increased in the first eight months of the fiscal year. USDA data says the deficit was at $15.2 billion thus far in the 2023-2024 marketing year that runs through September 30. That compares with a deficit of $3.89…
Wheat, corn and soybeans rebound ahead of data
Wheat, corn and soybeans rebound ahead of data  XM
What Could Cause the Corn, Wheat, and Soybean Markets to Rebound?
Grain Market Update: What Could Cause the Corn, Wheat, and Soybean Markets to Rebound?  Nasdaq
When Will Funds Will Quit Pushing Grains Into New Lows?
AgDay Markets Now: Tommy Grisafi Discusses When Funds Will Quit Pushing Grains Into New Lows  Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
Declining Grain Prices: A Godsend for Dairy Producers
Declining Grain Prices: A Godsend for Dairy Producers  Dairy Herd Management
Soybeans fail to rally, see more losses
Soybeans were lower on speculative and technical selling, unable to follow through on some early firm trade. Near-term development weather looks mostly favorable, but there is a chance of hotter, drier conditions in some areas. Still, at this point, crop conditions, on the balance, are much better than a year ago and there won’t be…
Wheat Futures Fall on Improving U.S. Production
Wheat Futures Fall on Improving U.S. Production — Daily Grain Highlights  Marketscreener.com