Five Key Charts to Watch in Global Commodity Markets This Week
Five Key Charts to Watch in Global Commodity Markets This Week Yahoo Finance
National Flour Mill records 29% increase in profits
NFM records 29% increase in profits TT Newsday
Recent rainfall helps Kentucky corn crop, soybeans hold steady
Kentucky has had both above-normal temperatures and rainfall recently. The state’s corn crop condition improved slightly this week to 68 percent good to excellent. Ninety percent of the crop is silking, 48 percent is in the dough stage, and 22 percent has dented. Soybeans held steady at 64 percent good to excellent with 74 percent…
Corn and soybeans end day with gains
Corn and soybeans end day with gains | Monday, August 5, 2024 Successful Farming
Dollar Crashing, Bullish Overseas Weather Should Ignite a Flame Under Wheat; But When?
Dollar Crashing, Bullish Overseas Weather Should Ignite a Flame Under Wheat; But When? DTN The Progressive Farmer
Soybeans, corn find some support
Soybeans were higher on short covering and technical buying. Crop weather looks mixed, but the trade is expecting conditions to balance out for a large U.S. crop. There is a generally cooler, but mostly drier, forecast on tap for parts of the region this week. The USDA says 68% of the crop is in good…
Canola, wheat futures moving lower due to the weather, among other factors
Canola, wheat futures moving lower due to the weather, among other factors 620 CKRM.com
Grain and Livestock Start Lower With Risk Off Selling Tied to Global Stock Market Melt Down
Grain and Livestock Start Lower With Risk Off Selling Tied to Global Stock Market Melt Down Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
U.S. Weekly Corn Export Inspections Rise
U.S. Weekly Corn Export Inspections Rise MarketWatch
Wheat and Cotton Slump as Traders Weigh Recession, Storm Risks
Wheat and Cotton Slump as Traders Weigh Recession, Storm Risks Bloomberg
Why are corn, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, and wheat prices tumbling?
Why are corn, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, and wheat prices tumbling? УкрАгроКонсалт
Brace for big price moves in August
Brace for big price moves Farm Progress
Tyson Foods tops quarterly estimates as demand rebounds, costs begin to fall
Tyson Foods tops quarterly estimates as demand rebounds, costs begin to fall WNWN-FM
Wheat, corn, soybeans fall as global markets slump
Wheat, corn, soybeans fall as global markets slump ZAWYA
Wheat Futures Lower Overnight; Speculators Curb Net-Shorts in Corn
3 Big Things Today, August 5, 2024 Successful Farming
Record global grain harvest predicted, with U.S. leading the way
Record global grain harvest predicted, with U.S. leading the way Star Tribune
Durum prices holding a premium to other wheat classes
Durum prices holding a premium to other wheat classes AgUpdate
Soybean & Cattle Analysis
Soybean & Cattle Analysis Barchart
Not all Doom and Gloom for the Markets
Not all Doom and Gloom for the Markets | 8/3/24 Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Market Roundup Rural Radio Network