USDA seeks easier rules for crops in green fuels
USDA seeks easier rules for crops in green fuels  AgUpdate
Trump budget proposes steep subsidy cuts to farmers
Trump budget proposes steep subsidy cuts to farmers as they grapple with crisis  Yahoo Finance UK
What Kamala Harris Should Learn From Richard Nixon
What Kamala Harris Should Learn From Richard Nixon  POLITICO
Incredible economic illiteracy from Kamala Harris
Incredible economic illiteracy from Kamala Harris  American Thinker
Vilsack Hopes to Continue as US Ag Secretary
Food Safety Attorney calls on Congress to investigate Deadly Boar’s Head Listeria Outbreak
Food Safety Attorney Marler calls on Congress to investigate both the cause of the Deadly Boar’s Head Listeria Outbreak and why USDA/FSIS inspectors allowed plant conditions to exist  Food Poison Journal
Vilsack addresses the current state of farm income
Vilsack addresses the current state of farm income  Agweek
Record Ag Trade Deficit Forecast Renews Earlier FTA Policy Debate
USDA’s forecast of a looming record farm trade deficit next year raises the specter of an earlier debate and questions over the administration’s policy not to do free trade agreements. The 42-and-a-half billion-dollar farm trade deficit, if realized, again raises the issue of the administration rejecting market-opening free trade deals. Earlier this year in front…
‘Climate-Friendly’ Meat? Regulators Tighten Scrutiny of Label Buzzwords
‘Climate-Friendly’ Meat? Regulators Tighten Scrutiny of Label Buzzwords.  The New York Times