Industry leaders laud Trump’s pick for agriculture secretary
Industry leaders laud Trump’s pick for agriculture secretary Capital Press
From electric cars to wildfires, how Trump may affect climate actions
From electric cars to wildfires, how Trump may affect climate actions Science News Magazine
Thanksgiving by the Numbers: Farmers Earn Cents, Consumers Pay Dollars
WASHINGTON — As Americans prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with family gatherings, National Farmers Union (NFU) released the updated “Farmer’s Share of the Food Dollar” for items typically enjoyed during a Thanksgiving meal. These figures reveal how much family farmers earn compared to the amount consumers pay at the grocery store. “Consumers may notice higher prices…
Early reactions to Rollins nomination
Early reactions to Rollins nomination The Fence Post
SAF could spark US ag economy, but policy questions, market uncertainties remain
SAF could spark US ag economy, but policy questions, market uncertainties remain The Fence Post
Senators Urge Disaster Help for Farmers, Slam USDA’s Take on Farm Income
Senators Urge Disaster Help for Farmers, Slam USDA’s Take on Farm Income Hoosier Ag Today
Ag Secretary nominee has long history with Trump
Ag Secretary nominee has long history with Trump Farm Progress
DOE Report Charts Path for SAF Expansion
DOE Report Charts Path for SAF Expansion Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
Gulke: A Look At How Tariffs Could Change Demand
Gulke: A Look At How Tariffs Could Change Demand Agweb Powered by Farm Journal