Can demand keep up with a current steady harvest?
Can demand keep up with a current steady harvest? RFD-TV
Odds Are Improving for Lawmakers to Pass Several Critical Farmer Support Programs
Odds Are Improving for Lawmakers to Pass Several Critical Farmer Support Programs Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
Everything Farmers Need to Know About The FARM Act in Congress
Everything Farmers Need to Know About The FARM Act in Congress Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
Row Crops Show Resilience: Cattle Falter
Row Crops Show Resilience: Cattle Falter Agweb Powered by Farm Journal
Deadly E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders sickens 49 people in 10 states
Deadly E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders sickens 49 people in 10 states WFXG
Grassley concerned looming tax changes could hurt farm families
Farmers could see a very different tax landscape in 2025. U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley says with the expiration of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the estate tax will likely be cut in half. “And I think that would be a major concern.” During a call with ag reporters Tuesday morning, the Iowa Republican…
Congressional Candidates Outline Agricultural Priorities
RICHMOND, Va. — Voters concerned with agricultural issues can make informed decisions this election season, thanks to a comprehensive questionnaire completed by many of Virginia’s congressional contenders. Virginia Farm Bureau Federation sends a questionnaire to all state congressional candidates regarding issues important to Virginia agriculture. Their responses can be viewed at bit.ly/AgPACcandidateQA. “Congressional elections are an…
3 Big Things Today
3 Big Things Today, October 22, 2024 Successful Farming
Corn and Soybean Harvest Moving Rapidly to a Close in the U.S.
(FARGO, ND)– Wide open harvest weather is leading to a rapid harvest of corn and soybeans crops nationwide as we near the end of October. According to the latest Crop Progress Report, corn harvest is 65% complete as of Sunday, October 20th while soybean harvest is 81% complete nationwide. Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota were 68%,…
Will RFK Jr. lead Trump ag agenda?
Will RFK Jr. lead Trump ag agenda? Farm Progress
Analyst says grain market recovery possible
Analyst says grain market recovery possible brownfieldagnews.com
New TED Talk ‘Talks’ Regenerative Ag
NEW YORK — Gabe Brown has been on a mission to share the good news in healthy soil for decades. And since co-founding the non-profit Soil Health Academy (SHA) in 2017, Brown has travelled the globe teaching other farmers and ranchers the life-promoting principles of regenerative agriculture. His book, Dirt to Soil, has been translated…
Speedy U.S. corn and soy harvests strain farmers, storage capacity
Speedy U.S. corn and soy harvests strain farmers, storage capacity Successful Farming
Record-large crops affect markets
Record-large crops affect markets AgUpdate