Why 90% of the U.S. avocado supply comes from Mexico
Why 90% of the U.S. avocado supply comes from Mexico NBC Miami
La Niña expected to bring warm, drier weather to Central Plains
La Niña expected to bring warm, drier weather to Central Plains AgUpdate
Sick of summer? NOAA releases fall weather predictions
Sick of summer? NOAA releases fall weather predictions KFOR Oklahoma City
An unwelcome fast start to the severe weather season
An unwelcome fast start to the U.S. severe weather season WTW
Benefical rains across the eastern Corn Belt; heat wave conditions continue on the southern Plains
Across the Corn Belt, showers and thunderstorms sweeping across the Mississippi Valley are providing generally beneficial moisture for corn and soybeans. Early Friday, some of the heaviest showers are found from Michigan, southward to the Ohio Valley. In advance and in the wake of recent rain, warm, dry weather is promoting summer crop development. On…
Pennsylvania corn suffers from dry July; recent downpours could have harvest benefits
Pennsylvania corn suffers from dry July; recent downpours could have harvest benefits Successful Farming
Iowa crop conditions mixed, Naig says
Iowa crop conditions mixed, Naig says brownfieldagnews.com
Western Corn Belt pasture conditions variable
A climatologist says pasture conditions have been mixed across the parts of the Western Corn Belt and Great Plains. Eric Hunt with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln says, “Pretty stressed pasture conditions across Wyoming, western Nebraska, western South Dakota, and western North Dakota,” Hunt said. “Better conditions further east, although pastures have definitely started to show…
Producers are still dealing with the impact of ongoing drought
Wondering About Future Weather Woes: Producers are still dealing with the impact of ongoing drought RFD-TV
Oregon wildfires likely to last until fall rains arrive
Oregon wildfires likely to last until fall rains arrive Central Oregonian
Severe drought touches 10 North Carolina counties
Severe drought touches 10 North Carolina counties MSN
A variance temps ahead next week from the Plains to the Corn Belt
Looking ahead, the 6- to 10-day outlook calls for the likelihood of warmer-than-normal weather nationwide, except for near- or below-normal temperatures in much of the mid-Atlantic, Midwest, western Great Basin, and Pacific Coast States. Meanwhile, wetter-than-normal conditions in the mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and most of the western half of the U.S. should contrast with near- or…
France expects lowest wheat harvest in almost 40 years
France expects lowest wheat harvest in almost 40 years All About Feed